Why to update the Microsoft Azure Linux Agent

Micorosft Azure Linux Agent Cover

The Microsoft Azure Linux Agent, similar to the Windows Agent, is the connection between the host and Azure Management. This important agent enables monitoring, password reset and more. It is similar to the HyperV Integration Services or VMware Tools.

In the past, I noticed that systems with an outdated version of the Microsoft Azure Linux Agent often had problems:

  • incorrect status in the Azure portal
  • problems updating Backup Agents
  • Incorrect diagnostic data

It also happened that subsequent changes to the SWAP space or the login data were not carried out correctly. Therefore, I recommend you to update the Azure Linux Agent while patching the Linux system. You should do this regularly for security reasons anyway. Normally the updates come with the respective repository. I really recommend using these out-of-the-box versions. But sometimes you should also check the available versions on the GitHub page.

How to update

It depends on the Linux OS you have installed, but mostly commands like this will work:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
# or
yum update

Once updated, the system should not have any problem to communicate to the Azure backend services. If the OS is getting out of support/life, you have to consider an OS Upgrade anyway.

I noticed that in the last months there have been strong improvements in the integration of the agent. There were some improvements in the backend which reduced the problems I mentioned above a bit 🙂

Categories: Cloud Computing, Microsoft Azure
Patrick Riedl

Written by:Patrick Riedl All posts by the author

I am Patrick Riedl, and as you can see I am totally Microsoft enthusiastic. Through my work as a Cloud Architect and my background in IT- & information-security, I always try to be ahead of times. With this blog & podcast I hope to give back some knowledge and learning to the online community. I am always looking forward to feedback.

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