Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows 10 – like native Linux

In 2017, Microsoft announced the release of a Linux subsystem for Windows 10. Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows 10 was one of the first distributions which was available via Microsoft Store.
Since I deal with Linux systems every day, I dared to try to download the Ubuntu 18.04 app from the Microsoft Store. This was done in a very short time and I could successfully register in Ubuntu as an app within a few minutes.

Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux

Meanwhile the integration is really good. It is completely sufficient for the daily work on administrative tasks in the Linux area. It actually feels like a native Linux.
You can very well access the local drives, OneDrive or whatever to use the familiar processes for data storage and exchange.
Therefore I recommend all Linux Guru’s to have a look at these Apps and the subsystem.

Is there already someone who has experience with it? I look forward to your feedback!

Categories: Off-Topic
Patrick Riedl

Written by:Patrick Riedl All posts by the author

I am Patrick Riedl, and as you can see I am totally Microsoft enthusiastic. Through my work as a Cloud Architect and my background in IT- & information-security, I always try to be ahead of times. With this blog & podcast I hope to give back some knowledge and learning to the online community. I am always looking forward to feedback.

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